Promote the advancement and development of Black healthcare leaders and elevate the quality of healthcare services rendered to minority and underserved communities
Be recognized as the premier professional membership society for Blacks in healthcare management.
Strategic Goals – ABLE- Amplify Black voices in healthcare
- Build the pipeline of future Black healthcare executives
- Lead by example
- Ensure the sustainability of NAHSE
Amplify Black voices in healthcare.
Through our advocacy, partnerships, educational programs, research, public policy work, and thought leadership—we will become the source of knowledge, perspectives, and resources as we shape the future of health equity and related topics:
- Define and broadly communicate the value proposition to provide a compelling reason for individuals, institutions, and organizations to join and partner with NAHSE
- As content experts, provide the most value through delivering in high-demand areas and help shape thinking
- Strengthen our relationship with the academic community and engage in meaningful research/reports
- Play a pivotal role in promoting equity for patients, health students, and professionals through our advocacy work
- Create alliances with ecosystem partners, digital health organizations, and others that can create quantifiable opportunities for our members
Build the pipeline of future Black healthcare executives.
We will become the premier source of diverse talent and professional development through our programming including our Mentorship programs, Elevate, Case Competition, and more
Provide to current and potential members ample networking and career advancement opportunities, mentorship, relevant skills, a safe space for development and support navigating the current and future health landscape
Provide more support and skills development for mid-professional
Explore access to hiring portals, resume bank
Broaden the scope of career pathway support and include areas such as health IT, supply chain, payers, etc.
Lead by example.
We will create a high-performing organization that is member-driven and customer-focused
- Move past “business as usual” to bring value to members, while retaining elements that account for success such as connectivity trust, and “family” dynamics
- Increase the involvement, support, and effectiveness of local chapters
- Increase operational, staff, and board effectiveness
- Partner as necessary to address joint challenges
Ensure the Sustainability of NAHSE
- Stay abreast of health ecosystem changes
- Continuously research trends and advances through support from our research and academic engagement committee and partners
- Diversify funding sources through partnerships, new programming and products
- Continue cost-decreasing, revenue-enhancing, and technological enhancement effort
Celebrating Our Future by Remembering Our Past
NAHSE at 50This commemorative 50th anniversary book offers an interesting take on our organization’s timeline, history, leadership, core values, and the accomplishments of the National Association of Health Service Executives.
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